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Vunani Securities is a proud level 2 Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment contributor.

Vunani Securities Proprietary Limited is a full-service stockbroker
member of the JSE.


At Vunani Securities, our vision is to partner with our clients to translate the stock markets and trading in an inclusive and accessible way. We believe the journey to wealth creation to be an incredibly intimate and personal one, consequently our approach is to know our clients intimately enough to be able to respond to their specific needs. When your interest is in investing in local stocks, we assist with integrity and fortitude, we invite you to let us be a part of your story.

We invite you to walk with us as we traverse the stock markets for our clients at any level of comfort, competence, or experience.

Invest with Us

Invest with Vunani Securities, foremost independent stockbroking and transition management service provider in South Africa. Join a dedicated team of experienced investment banking professionals which include dealers and sales traders who between them have more than 99 years of trading experience.

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